Our policies

  • In the event a class has to be cancelled due to COVID or inclement weather, we will do everything in out power to offer a make up day. We will work with your school/location to schedule a make up class. If class is cancelled due to your school/location no make up class will be offered.

  • Tuition is due on the first of each month. It is your responsibility to pay online each month.

    Tuition is only paid via our website

    There is a $15.00 late fee added to your account if tuition is not paid by the end of business day on the 10th of each month

    *If tution and late fee is not paid by the 15th of the month your dancer will not be able to attend class*

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover

  • “My Ballet Class” follows the county closings for the location in which your school is located. Thanksgiving, Winter, Christmas, and Spring Break. For other holidays we follow the calendar of the school. For inclement weather or emergency situations “My Ballet Class” will follow the county closings or the school’s closings.

  • You must provide a written notice of withdrawing from classes. A 30 day notice is required. No refunds will be given and you will still be responsible for any balance on your account.

  • Please note that we do not prorate for absences. If for any reason class is missed due to an emergency on our end we will schedule a make up date.

    Our tuition is prorated for the entire year not per month. Some months you may have 3 classes and other months you may have as many as 5 depending on how the calendar falls.

  • All dancers are required to be potty trained and at least 3 years old (must be 3 by November)

  • By registering and agreeing to our Terms and Conditions you acknowledge that your child’s photo may be used for marketing as well as our social media sites and gives us permission to do so. If you do not agree to this you must select I DO NOT AGREE when registering.

  • “My Ballet Class” may alter your child’s attire:

    • Taping of taps on tap shoes- helps prevent slipping

    • Trimming of shoe laces

    • Labeling attire- leotard, tights, shoes ect.

    We are not responsible for lost items. If it is valuable please leave it at home and do not wear it to dance class. Labeling all shoes and clothes is a great way to prevent lost items.

  • Our annual recitals are held in May of each dance season. There are no recital fees or ticket fees. We will provide costumes for all dancers, these costumes belong to “My Ballet Class” and must be returned after the recital.